Saturday, July 28, 2007

Instant Self Destruct

By: Phasmophage
So, you're in a corner and a guy is about to shoot you. Or maybe he's locked on to you with Guided Missile. Maybe your in range of a Shock Wave. Either way, this guy's about to kill you, and you know it. So here's a great way to kill yourself instantly and not give that little punk the point, (and totally piss him off while your at it): Instant Self Destruct!

This is a really simple edit, so open up playing.cxx and find these lines:

if (destructCountdown > 0.0f) {
const int oldDestructCountdown = (int)(destructCountdown + 0.99f);
destructCountdown -= dt;
if (destructCountdown <= 0.0f) {
// now actually destruct

Edit it so it looks like this:

if (destructCountdown > 0.0f) {
const int oldDestructCountdown = (int)(destructCountdown + 0.99f);
destructCountdown -= dt;
if (1 || destructCountdown <= 0.0f) { destructCountdown = 0.0f; // now actually destruct

And now you can die with dignity!
Alright, so this is one of my more stupid "cheats" but it still has its advantage.
Enjoy it!


Sk3letr0n said...

Hey, I was wandering, how do you activate this? Do you push a button or something on the keyboard?

Jerad (urbanracer34) said...

Yeah, just press the self destruction button (usually "delete")